Ar-Rawdah, known historically as Rawdat al-Hatim, is a large village located 12km north of Sanaa in Bani al-Harith District of Amanat al-Asimah Governorate, Yemen. Muhammad al-Akwa identified ar-Rawdah with the earlier village of al-Manẓal, which Robert T.O. Wilson said was "almost certainly correct." Al-Manzar is mentioned frequently in the historical …Ar-Rawdah, known historically as Rawdat al-Hatim, is a large village located 12km north of Sanaa in Bani al-Harith District of Amanat al-Asimah Governorate, Yemen. Muhammad al-Akwa identified ar-Rawdah with the earlier village of al-Manẓal, which Robert T.O. Wilson said was "almost certainly correct." Al-Manzar is mentioned frequently in the historical narratives of Yahya ibn al-Husayn and Muhammad ibn Hatim al-Yami al-Hamdani, with its first mention being in 545 AH. A later reference by Yahya ibn al-Husayn, in the entry for 1006 AH refers to it as Rawḍat Ḥātim, which probably refers to the fact that it had been part of the territory belonging to the Āl Ḥātim during the 12th and 13th centuries CE. The first reference to ar-Rawdah by its modern name is in 1036 AH. It was occasionally used as a staging post for military actions against Sanaa.