It's Un-Bee-Lievable. Come in and see their working display beehive and learn all about how bee's work, and how honey is made. You can see some their Australian Native bees at work as well. Taste …
It's Un-Bee-Lievable. Come in and see their working display beehive and learn all about how bee's work, and how honey is made. You can see some their Australian Native bees at work as well. Taste their range for Natural Australian honeys and take some home with you. Enjoy the locally roasted coffee with some award winning scones. Have a chat with their Beekeepers or a browse through the gift shop for that unique gift for your special someone. Take your photo in front of the Big Beehive.
3.8/5 · 105 reviews
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Apr 26, 2024
We received a very friendly welcome and explanation of the layout of the honey place. It was disappointing to notice how tired the place was now looking, we had visited a number of years ago and it w…Full review by carolynpG8149CG
Jul 24, 2023
Absolutely beautiful honey.. OMG the chilli honey! I am hooked .. just the right amount of heat.. Delicious. Who needs cough medicine! The Tea Tree infused honey works amazingly.. Looking forward to …Full review by Despina G
Apr 13, 2023
Lovely little place. Couple clearly working very hard to make it a nice experience. Honey ice cream was delicious!Full review by carolyncF3254IA