Santiago de Chuco is a city in Peru, capital of Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Region. On July 23, 1553 it was obtained perm…Santiago de Chuco is a city in Peru, capital of Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Region. On July 23, 1553 it was obtained permission to found a town that served as the capital and hub of mining and wheat. Captain Don Diego de la Serna, immigrants Domingo Perez Vasquez, Jose Pelaez, Lino Benítes of Children, Miguel de Estremadura, Rodrigo of Bejarano, Fernando de Alva, Garcia de Paredes, Lorenzo de Alcantara, Juan Baptist father Ruiz and Francisco de Asis Centurion reached Andaymarca, a native of Santiago de Compostela, who helped Santiago the "greatest" be the tutelary patron of the new town.