It was a rather quiet weekend for Arsenal with no FA Cup game on the agenda. Gunners fans won't have to wait too much longer ...
Vieira then got the second goal in Saturday’s 2-0 win away to Arouca with a shot into the bottom right corner form the edge ...
F ábio Vieira tem recuperado as boas exibições com a camisola do FC Porto. O médio parece ter-se reencontrado com os golos e já descontou nos últimos dois encontros, diante da AS Roma e do Arouca.
A pós dois jogos consecutivos sem sorrir, o FC Porto regressou aos triunfos, este sábado, na deslocação ao reduto do Arouca (0-2), onde 'sacudiu' a pressão, na 'perseguição' aos rivais (e líderes) ...
Apesar do contratempo inesperado, a lesão de Rodrigo Mora no aquecimento, Martin Anselmo foi fiel ao plano inicial. Não quis ...
Vieira scored an important goal for Porto on Saturday evening, sealing the victory for his side in a 2-0 win over FC Arouca. The midfielder was hailed as a “genius” by the Portuguese media, with A ...
Arsenal loanee Fabio Vieira is continuing to thrive for FC Porto on loan and he's now scored another goal playing in a new position.
Arsenal loanee Fabio Vieira continues to impress as his spell at Porto, having featured again for the side against Arouca.
Porto got back to winning ways this evening, clocking up an important victory in Arouca thanks to goals in each half from ...
Arsenal sent several players out on loan at the start of this season. While some of them have little to no hope of returning ...
O FC Porto voltou a sentir o sabor da vitória ao fim de dois jogos sem vencer, após triunfarem por 2-0 frente ao Arouca na 24.ª jornada ...
Apenas pela terceira vez na era Anselmi, os dragões venceram, batendo (2-0) o Arouca. A exibição, sobretudo no primeiro tempo ...