Raphaël Glucksmann, a center-left French politician, slammed the Trump administration as “shameful” after it pushed back ...
"Imagine France takes her back and only gives her back when we elect decent candidates like a mom taking away her kid's iPad" ...
The Statute of Liberty was meant to be a monumental gesture of French-American friendship to mark the 100th anniversary of ...
Center-left French lawmaker Raphael Glucksmann accused the U.S. of abandoning the values that made it a strong ally to Europe ...
A French politician suggested the two countries no longer share the values that inspired the gift more than a century ago.
A French Parliament member is demanding that the U.S. return the Statue of Liberty to France, who gifted the statue to ...
White House said it would not return the Statue of Liberty, a gift from France, after a French politician asked for it back.
A French lawmaker says the United States should return New York's Statue of Liberty because America now sides with "tyrants." ...
Member of the European Parliament Raphael Glucksman suggested that America no longer deserves the monument gifted by the ...