The drama began when Victor (Eric Braeden) uncovered a corporate conspiracy threatening Newman Enterprises. Refusing to let anyone undermine his empire, ...
Victor’s real name is Eric Braeden, and he is still going on the show. And, for so many, he has carved out a special place in their hearts. People are attached to him, and so many were saddened to see ...
The Young and the Restless’ Billy reveals his big plan to take down Victor and regain control of Chancellor. However, will ...
Victor Newman is one of the business titans of Genoa City on The Young and the Restless. His actions in the last few episodes and the currently running storyline of the soap are a reminder of how ...
In the December 23, 2024, episode of The Young and the Restless, Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) is never one to sit idle when it comes to protecting his empire, even if it means chaos within his own ...
He’s been shot, poisoned, survived a plane crash, suffered amnesia, had a heart transplant, gotten married “13 or 14 times” and been presumed dead not once, not twice, but three times. He ...
The Young And The Restless spoilers reveal that Claire Newman (Haley Erin) believes she has the upper had when it comes to ...
The Young and The Restless spoilers and updates tease fans are wondering if Claire Newman (Hayley Erin) is leaving the show.