A fourth category of eukaryotes possesses small, inconspicuous mitochondria that are not involved in ATP synthesis at all. These eukaryotes synthesize their ATP in the cytosol with the help of ...
All mitochondria retain core genomes of their own, which are necessary for the control of membrane potential across a circumscribed area of membrane, enabling a 104-105-fold increase in the total ...
This allows the mitochondria to become specialized in ATP synthesis and chloroplasts to focus and become an engine that drives carbon assimilation.” ...
In particular, mitochondrial Ca 2+ plays a dual role: enabling physiological functions like metabolism and ATP synthesis while contributing to pathological processes such as apoptosis and ...
Instead, the pump used light to fuel the movement of protons across the inner membrane, driving the synthesis of ATP. The team named this tool mitochondria-ON (mtON), which only works if the ...
The researchers then conducted functional assays to assess mitochondrial respiration using oxygen electrode experiments. ATP synthesis and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) depletion rates were also ...
Mitochondria are critical for cellular homeostasis, regulating bioenergetics, redox balance, Ca2+ signaling, and cell death. Mitochondrial Ca2+ ...