So, Willie changed his name to William Patrick Stuart-Houston, settled on Long Island, opened a medical lab in his home, and ...
The U.S. sheep industry reveals what happens when our nation ignores market failure for too long, and it’s a case study applicable to every livestock sector in America. So, let’s examine market ...
The American Sheep Industry Association prepares an annual market report for the American Lamb Board that summarizes key statistics and trends in the sheep industry. Among the report highlights, the i ...
CHICAGO, March 3 (Reuters) - For the first time in four generations, the Raines family didn't plant a single cotton seed last year. Chad Raines parked his tractor and rented out most of his Texas ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services killed the male gray wolf after five sheep were attacked in Wyoming.
Much of the sheep industry has been outsourced to Australia and New Zealand while most American sheep flocks today are in Utah, Nevada and Idaho. Ewes and lambs stand inside of the Silicon Ranch ...