While it’s well-known that issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and not enough exercise are risk factors for a ...
Anginal symptoms at rest, that occur without physical exertion With unstable angina, cardiac enzymes remain normal or are only very minimally elevated. Anginal symptoms/chest pain at rest that ...
Women, elderly patients, and patients with diabetes tend to have more atypical presentations of angina. Many non-cardiac disease states can also cause chest pain. Important features suggestive of ...
Ambulatory ECG (AECG) recording may be helpful in recognizing ... is indicated for patients suspected of Prinzmetal's variant angina, in whom the simultaneous recording of ST-segment elevation ...
Angina is a sign that someone is at increased risk of heart attack, cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death. If you get angina, you should get medical attention immediately. Angina (pronounced ...
However, there is no evidence to suggest that cardiac rehabilitation is clinically or cost effective for managing stable angina. Research to date has looked at short-term outcomes, such as a change in ...