Enhance your stock picks with dividend metrics like per-share dividends, yield, frequency, payout ratios, and more.
15-Apr-24 23-Sep-24 23-Sep-24 0.75 Rs.0.7500 per share(7.5%)Final Dividend 11-May-23 23-Sep-23 22-Sep-23 1.5 Rs.1.5000 per share(15%)Final Dividend 30-May-22 23-Sep-22 23-Sep-22 2 Rs.2.0000 per ...
Atam Valves Ltd - Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Analyst / Investor Meet - Intimation ...
The P/B ratio shows how a stock's market price compares to its book value. It helps gauge whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued relative to its net assets.