You are probably growing a pot of basil for the summer to add to pasta dishes and tomato salads, but this herb also repels mosquitoes. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is available at garden centers ...
Marigolds are beautiful flowers that not only liven up gardens but also repel nematodes, aphids, and mosquitoes with their signature smell. By planting marigolds around vegetable patches or flower ...
They repel nematodes and attract ladybugs and parasitic wasps, which will promptly rid your garden of the aphids and beetles ...
There are many types of basil that repel mosquitoes. Two definite types are lemon basil and cinnamon basil. How to grow it: Plant the seeds in a container and lightly press the soil to make it ...
Today, basil is still regarded as a valuable addition to any garden. It makes a great companion for tomato plants - on the plate and in the garden - as its pungency helps repel pests and also ...