But, the next time you think you see a lady bug that has a slightly orangish tint, know that it's actually an Asian lady beetle. Lady bugs and Asian lady beetle share similar characteristics in ...
As summer turns into fall, you may start noticing ladybugs inside your home, only they're not ladybugs. Ladybugs have a similar looking relative that causes ladybugs to get the blame for ...
Normally, if you spot a ladybug, it’s your lucky day. They’re often considered a symbol of “good luck” or a positive omen. Cape-Cod-based realtor Ashley (@ashley.matoso), however, warns ...
On a jog up Napa’s Dry Creek Road recently, I saw a magnificent sight: thousands of ladybugs clumped together on fences (even barbed wire) and on old, mossy tree stumps. The most unusual ladybug ...
There are more than 350,000 beetle species around the world, including rhinoceros beetles and ladybugs. But the diabolical ironclad beetle is the most durable known in existence. A close ...
As she peeled back the bark with her ax, she accidentally squished a small black beetle. Across western North America, in millions of acres of pine forest, the story is the same. Drive through ...