Tom Burke reveals new details about the Blade Runner 2099 series, explaining how it compares to Ridley Scott’s original and Denis Villeneuve’s sequel.
The annals of Hollywood history are littered with studio notes which might be kindly deemed "braindead," and even though he'd ...
Unlike the MCU, James Gunn is taking a different approach to greenlighting projects, which could've saved Disney from the ...
What sets Blade Runner apart from the countless sci-fi films that followed is its deep philosophical core. The movie isn’t ...
A Marvel movie that will likely be fully ignored no matter how many multiverse movies the MCU cranks out, Josh Trank’s ...
Don't look so skeptical, Ryan. Your new movie's great! Credit: Warner Bros. Believe the buzz: Blade Runner 2049 really is that good. Mashable's own Josh Dickey was over the moon about it ...
Marvel tapping Mahershala Ali for its troubled Blade movie was one of the biggest and most exciting announcements of 2019, and while the movie has yet to even begin production despite its original ...