There are two holiday-themed episodes of the popular Australian animated kids series A Blue(y) Christmas! The popular Australian animated series, which follows Bluey, a Blue Heeler puppy who lives ...
Bluey: The Movie won't be out until 2027, but here's where you can still have fun with the Heeler family this year.
Over the years, the Bluey fandom has been left wondering about many unique quirks in the show. In December, Americans were ...
The rumors were true! LEGO has officially announced a partnership with BBC Studios that will see sets inspired by the wildly ...
Subscribe here. ALSO SEE: Disneyland closes 8 attractions after busy Christmas season “Bluey” is an Australian children’s TV ...
Bluey fans worldwide are rejoicing today at the news they have been waiting years for. The Heeler family and their friends ...
The beloved characters of BLUEY are officially coming to Disney’s parks and cruise lines! In a press release from Walt Disney ...
Across the series' three seasons, there is season 1’s “Verandah Santa,” followed by season 2’s "Christmas Swim.” In “Verandah Santa,” Bluey learns that Santa Claus only visits well ...