A boda boda rider boldly professed his love for a female client who sought his services. The man sent her messages on ...
Winny Chepngetich, aka Chep Oria, is a woman from Sotik in Bomet county. The female boda boda rider is pleading for a new ...
The operators claimed the little they earn from their operations was not enough for their families. They noted that the ...
The United Boda boda Riders Cooperative Union has partnered with the Uganda Musicians Association to organise a songwriting ...
So this week, I happened upon a certain radio conversation. This angry fellow had called in threatening to butcher a certain boda boda rider who confused his wife. From the caller’s accent ...
For the best experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser settings. A boda boda rider with a passenger in Lamu Town. [Omondi Onyango, Standard] The boda boda ...
Boda boda operators have announced nationwide demonstrations should Parliament fail to dismiss the controversial Public ...
Local ride-hailing company Yego wants the State to lower the commission that boda boda operators pay to 15 percent in a bid ...
Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale has proposed to withdraw the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill 2023 following an uproar from the riders who termed it an attempt to suppress their ...