Sean Gibbons, a microbiologist at the Institute for Systems Biology, joins The Excerpt to discuss what bowel movements reveal ...
Most people rarely discuss their bathroom habits, yet new research suggests that bowel movement frequency might be one of the ...
How often you poop is highly personal, but there is a range that’s considered “normal.” Now, research suggests that the range ...
Bowel cancer is not ageist. Over the last 30 years, colorectal cancer — cancer in bowel and rectum — in people younger than ...
People with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or Parkinson’s disease have depletions in similar types of beneficial bacteria, ...
When 30-year-old Ella Rhian set off on a dream vacation across Vietnam and Bali, she never imagined a simple meal would alter ...
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK with 44,000 people diagnosed with the disease every year ...
A simple stool test may reveal why some people are sensitive to food emulsifiers such as CMC, offering insights into IBD risk ...