A receptor that cannabis latches onto in the brain could be a promising target for future mental health treatments.
Research led by Jia Zhou in the Hibbs Lab at UC San Diego has mapped the structures of human brain receptors for the neurotransmitter GABA. The team obtained samples from epilepsy patients ...
“The protein, called cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1), is part of the blood-brain barrier, the dynamic structure that protects the brain by regulating the passage of molecules between the blood ...
The scientists showed that in fragile X model mice, increasing the receptor’s activity caused neurons in the hippocampus region of the brain to increase molecular signaling that suppressed excessive ...
Cite this: TNF Signaling Inhibition in the CNS: Implications for Normal Brain Function and Neurodegenerative Disease - Medscape - Oct 17, 2008.
A protein that acts as a cannabinoid receptor and is present in the structure controlling exchanges between the bloodstream and the brain could be part of the answer, according to a study ...