Sometimes this can be fixed using the service menu or by replacing faulty parts, but it’s also a sign that the CRT has aged to a point where other components are likely to fail soon too.
Where such effects did happen was mostly in the signal being fed into the CRT, which ranged from the horrid (RF, composite) to the not-so-terrible (S-Video, component) to the sublime (SCART RGB ...
As a manufacturer of test equipment and more, Tektronix has long had a need for custom form factors with its CRT displays ... but as demand for the glass component of CRTs increased, so did ...
Wlodkowski and Ginsberg (2018) provide a framework for enhancing learner motivation through Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT). This approach centers on creating four key conditions that support ...
These tables also highlight some of the key components of the factor-based method ... The net capital charge of CRT transactions is based on unexpected losses and premiums associated with the ...