Julie was out walking her dog when she began to struggle to walk and was later diagnosed with two inoperable brain tumours ...
Initially, an optician in June of that year suspected it to be a rare neurological condition known as Adie pupil. However, as ...
After a second optician’s visit a few weeks later, they referred us to the hospital, where a CT scan found a shadow in my ...
After passing out suddenly during a weekend away and later suffering a seizure at home, paramedics were called to Alex's home ...
Brain aneurysm patient Elizabeth Presson had an 'abnormally bad headache' that she put down to the stresses of parenting ...
Amber Ford, 31, from South Lanarkshire, described herself as “healthy” before she became unwell in 2018. She was first ...
A 23-year-old woman presents to the emergency department (ED) with a sudden onset of a thunderclap headache that she describes as the “worst headache of her life.” ...
HARRY Salm, now eight, was five when he started experiencing occasional vomiting, neck pain, and brief moments of imbalance. His parents said doctors dismissed his symptoms for a school bug. But ...