Researchers have found a way to take waste concrete from demolition sites and turn it into fresh new concrete that has a ...
If deployed alongside other emerging alternatives, this new approach could reduce the industry’s emissions by up to 61%, far ...
This strange white paste might not look like much, but it might help solve the sand shortage, while making the cement ...
Answering such questions in the affirmative represents a “win, win, win,” says Steve Harpur, CEO of Progressive Planet. “The ...
The website you are visiting is protected and accelerated by Imperva. Your computer may have been infected by malware and ...
Her invention, called Unfold Form, is a lightweight, reusable mold that slashes concrete use by up to 60% and steel reinforcement by a staggering 90%. If applicable at scale, it could become a ...
Cheap, strong and versatile, concrete is the second most consumed material globally after water, with 30 billion tonnes used annually (Nature 597, 593–594; 2021). Production of concrete is ...