The Disney Channel family sitcom, starring Bridgit Mendler, ran for four seasons Good Luck Charlie premiered on Disney Channel back in April 2010, but the family-centered sitcom is still fondly ...
Randy Holmes/Disney Channel via Getty Shane Harper (left), Raven Goodwin, Bridgit Mendler and Daniel Curtis Lee in 'Good Luck Charlie' "So Good Luck Charlie was amazing. That whole cast ...
Early-thirtysomething dentist Dr. Charlie Logan has never experienced ... He is encouraged to exploit this good-luck charm reputation by his long-time best friend Dr. Stu Klaminsky, a sex-obsessed ...
Catching the slip-up, Naga quipped: "I was going to say good luck if you're going to have a conversation with a guide dog!" Charlie chuckled at his own mistake, jokingly suggesting: "Why not try it?!