Bajaj launched the new Chetak at Rs 1.20 lakh, ex-showroom. Now when we usually hear automakers say ‘new’ to an existing model, it is typically a facelift or design update of some kind.
It is not only the most expensive trim of the EV but also the most feature ... Hazel Nut, Indigo Metallic Blue, and Matte Red; the Bajaj Chetak 3501 is equipped with a front disc brake and rear ...
Bajaj Chetak [2020 - 2024] 2903 is available in 8 colours : Cyber White, Racing Red, Lime Yellow, Ebony Black, Azure Blue, Matte Coars Grey, Indigo Metallic and Brooklyn Black.
In that same vein, it must have surely helped that the Chetak has spent the least amount of time in the spotlight when it comes to EV-related safety issues. What I find interesting is that the ...
With gaining popularity, two-wheeler maker Bajaj Auto has sold over 10,000 Chetak electric vehicles through e-commerce platforms. The company has sold 10,863 Chetak on Amazon and Flipkart since 2023.
Bajaj Auto’s electric scooter, the Chetak EV, found itself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons just days after CEO Rajiv Bajaj’s jibe comparing it to rival Ola scooters. At a recent ...
However, with the industry's move towards electrification, the company relaunched the brand in the EV space in October 2019. Since then, it has sold over 3 lakh units. The Chetak EV has proven so ...
🚨 **frustrated and disappointed with bajaj chetak ev** 🚨 i purchased a bajaj chetak ... electric this is really awesome where you have a metallic body, Superb charging and gives you more ...