Under certain atmospheric conditions, these wispy trails of condensed water vapor can spread out to form contrail cirrus ...
The "Contrail Cirrus Prediction Tool" CoCiP has been developed to simulate contrail cirrus resulting from a single flight as well as from a fleet of cruising aircraft, flight by flight, regionally or ...
The National Weather Service says: "Condensation trails, commonly called contrails, are narrow cirrus cloud streamers that form behind high flying aircraft." The NASA website explains ...
Michael Splitt, professor in the College of Aeronautics at Florida Institute of Technology, with a Master’s in meteorology, ...
“The reason for that is that the global modelers today tell us that the climate impact from contrails and aviation-induced cirrus clouds is about the same warming impact as the past century’s ...
and the effect of contrails and contrail cirrus clouds. Their studies have shown that only a third of the climate impact of air traffic is due to carbon dioxide emissions. By 2018, global air ...
A common claim made by believers is that chemtrails can be distinguished from normal contrails “because they ... and dissipate into cirrus clouds”, said National Geographic.
“When you have more contrails, it actually ends up warming the planet. The cirrus clouds created by aircraft and their reflective power isn't as much as let's say, the warming impact from ...