During their surveys, the team found several unfamiliar-looking brown eels, the study said. They took a closer look at the ...
The Serra do Assuruá is in the north-central region of the Bahia state of Brazil, on the country’s east coast. The research ...
Scientists found an aquatic creature with skin instead of eyes in a cave of Indonesia and discovered a new species, a study said. Photo from Wibowo, Willyanto, Dharmayanthi, Rahmadi and ...
Far below the surface of the South China Sea, a creature with “glass-like” skin was discovered. Greg Nerantzakis via Unsplash ...
A talented Pokemon fan designs six horror-themed versions of Bulbasaur, the popular Grass-type starter from the franchise's ...
→2-foot-long creature with 'secretive' lifestyle found ... bony deposits found in the skin of some reptiles and dinosaurs, creating a kind of tough armor on the top of their bodies, per the ...
As darkness seeped across the mountains of Nepal, a “long”-fingered creature with “green-grey” eyes emerged from its hiding ...
Researchers said they named the new species “cuulongensis” after the Vietnamese name “cửu long,” which means “nine dragons” ...