Batman: The Animated Series is a timeless classic for many reasons, leaving a huge impact on the DC universe and animated TV ...
it could make for a great animated movie or, once again, a series of movies or shows. Part of DC’S Black Label grouping of comics, a label that allows writers to tell more mature kinds of ...
These projects can be key to James Gunn's DC Studios creating a critically and commercially successful answer to the youthful energy of Spider-Man.
The DC streaming series Swamp Thing only ran for a single season, and that was far less than it was worthy of. Based upon DC ...
As James Gunn’s reinvention of the DC movie and TV universe gathers momentum, it would be easy to forget about the previously ...
James Gunn explained why The Penguin and Harley Quinn don't have the DC Studios animation, adding that an "Elseworlds" one ...
of DC Comics. There are even some upcoming superhero movies that will see beloved characters hitting the big screen for the first time in years or for the first time ever. A new animated DC ...