It’s not much of a stretch to say that Earth’s inner structure, especially the innermost spherical core, has stupefied scientists for generations. It sits over 3,000 miles below the surface, smaller ...
Something’s cooking down inside Earth. At the center of our planet, temperatures reach approximately 5,200°C (9,392°F), almost as hot as the surface of the Sun. Driving this hellish heat is a ...
Earth appears to be a chill blue planet, but deep down, it’s really a metalhead. Its outer core is mostly molten iron (and ...
Surprising differences in the two so-called Large Low-Velocity Provinces may risk instability in Earth's protective magnetic field.
Does the proton decay? While this was a famous prediction of Grand Unified Theories (GUTS) developed in the 1970s and 1980s, ...
Seismic wave data previously suggested the Earth’s hot inner core is slowing its spin. Now, researchers say it’s also deforming around the edges Sara Hashemi Scientists released an update to a ...
The discovery that helium and iron can mix at the temperatures and pressures found at the center of Earth could settle a long-standing debate over how our planet formed. Primordial helium from the ...
Scientists have uncovered new information about the Earth's core: it may not be completely solid. Instead, its center may be more malleable than expected and has changed shape in recent years.
Researchers explore the likelihood that Earth's climate, as affected by solar heat, plays a role in seismic activity. Using mathematical and computational methods, they analyzed earthquake data ...