It begins with discarded cotton-based clothing being mechanically ripped ... milled in order to pull apart the interwoven cotton fibers without allowing them to clump together or form knots.
Clothing containing the fiber computer was comfortable and machine washable, and the fibers were nearly imperceptible to the wearer, the researchers report. Unlike on-body monitoring systems known ...
Imagine heading out for a run on a cold winter day clad in athletic gear with sensors and microelectronics woven into the very fiber to constantly monitor your vital signs, even running the ...
[Yoel Fink] and his team at MIT have announced their creation of a fiber that can sense and store data. In addition, they can use data from a shirt made of the material to infer the wearer’s ...
The resulting sports t-shirt made from 100% textile waste meets the quality standards and sustainability objectives of the apparel brands present in the "fiber-to-fiber” consortium. CARBIOS' ...