“Neo-Freudians” such as Jung, Alfred Adler, and Karen Horney challenged Freud’s emphasis on sexual and aggressive impulses, focusing more on social and cultural factors. Humanistic Theories ...
Indeed, Jung was not satisfied to merely reproduce or expand Freud’s psychoanalytical theories. He had a completely different approach in mind, one that built upon, and some say completed ...
One of their contemporaries, Alfred Adler, a pioneering Austrian physician and psychiatrist, also made groundbreaking contributions to psychology, including personality, motivation, and ...
and some of his closest adherents (such as Alfred Adler and Carl Jung) split from the group with bitter feelings. Freud continued working, developing his theories, and writing -- producing a ...
And yet the proponent of many of these theories, Carl Gustav Jung, in the early 20th century ... because of his close association with Freud’s own rather shaky theories – based, as many ...
PsyLeb.com publishes an article by Mariane El Khoury, Clinical and Pathological Psychotherapist and founder of PsyLeb, exploring Freud and Jung’s psychological theories in Lebanon’s cultural ...
In addition to his translations of the works of Freud and of Dr. Carl Jung, he publisher numerous works of his own in the field of psychoanalysis, including “Psychoanalysis — Its Theories and ...
This work gave rise to his idea that children feel sexual attraction toward their opposite-sex parents, and rivalry toward their same-sex parents, a theory ... Jung, and Otto Rank. To this day ...