If you grew up with Unix systems like we did, you’ll be sorry to hear the news: vi, the noble text editor that has served us so well these 40 years, is going away — from many GNU/Linux systems ...
Rather than technical issues, most concerns raised in the discussion on Ubuntu Discourse are about licensing. As a product of ...
The operating system created in 1992 by combining the GNU system, the Linux kernel and other software. Although "Linux" is the name most widely heard, many prefer to use "GNU/Linux" to give credit ...
A well-known GNU/Linux distribution provides everything you might expect from a PC, but of course it’s not the only open-source game in town. A year-old piece from [Unixsheikh] caught the eye ...
After seven years of work, the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) team has officially released GIMP 3.0, bringing a major ...
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is a Debian operating system variant that runs on the FreeBSD kernel instead of the Linux kernel. Unlike ...
Not gaming news but big news in the open source world - the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) version 3.0 is finally out now.