An eight-year-old girl sent naked photos of herself to a sicko ... she stopped and looked at me and just burst out crying. She said: ‘Mummy I need to tell you something, and then admitted ...
In a victim impact statement, the girl’s mother said her daughter had asked, ‘Mummy, why has this happened to me?’ The mother, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said: ‘She felt like ...
The girl was only 13 years old when she was sacrificed to the gods but had been frozen in time for hundreds of years when a ...
Over the years, some 115 of these sacrificial mummies have been found in the high Andes. In 1995, Dr. Johan Reinhard stumbled upon the body of a young girl, barely into her teens, on top of Mount ...
Over the years, some 115 of these sacrificial mummies have been found in the high Andes. In 1995, Dr. Johan Reinhard stumbled upon the body of a young girl, barely into her teens, on top of Mount ...
During the attack, the girl asked: "Mummy, am I going to die?" Hardy was described by the mum as being "somewhat blasé" about the incident and did not hear from him again. The child suffered 36 ...