GENTLE READER: Honesty is a virtue, and sparing people’s feelings is a virtue. Why do you think you must choose between them?
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is it bad manners to tell an old person that she looks young for her age? GENTLE READER: Can’t you just tell her how good she looks? Miss Manners is aware that the society ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is it bad manners to tell an old person that she looks young for her age? GENTLE READER: Can’t you just tell her how good she looks? Miss Manners is aware that the society ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is it bad manners to tell an old person that she looks young for her age? GENTLE READER: Can’t you just tell her how good she looks? Miss Manners is aware that the society ...
Miss Manners is only relieved that your neighbor also had the good manners — and situational awareness — to leave after 10 minutes. She was afraid, when you mentioned the time, that your ...