Luke's gospel begins with dramatic appearances of ... when he comes as Messiah (19:38), and Suffering Servant (Isa 53-55) to cleanse Israel and the whole world of sin by his death and resurrection.
Could this Cleopas be the husband of the Mary mentioned in John 19:25? This question is not just anecdotal or historical ...
Christian prophetic witness lies at the heart of Luke’s Gospel. “The prophet is led by the Spirit of God; speaks God’s word; embodies God’s word; enacts God’s word; and bears witness ...
What did Luke write? Luke wrote two works, the third gospel, an account of the life and teachings of Jesus, and the Book of Acts, which is an account of the growth and expansion of Christianity ...
What did Luke write? Luke wrote two works, the third gospel, an account of the life and teachings of Jesus, and the Book of Acts, which is an account of the growth and expansion of Christianity ...