The proton gradients that power respiration are as ... this is the single most counterintuitive idea in biology after Darwin's, and the only one to bear comparison with the concepts of Heisenberg ...
Thus, gene expression is vital to the effectiveness of the gradient in specifying different cell fates. The presence of a Dpp gradient in fruit fly wings has been demonstrated in living flies ...
“Since a lot of development is guided by gradients and electric fields, we tried to create a hydrogel that had a gradient like you might see in the developing body that could guide stem cells to ...
The gradient tells us how steep a line is, therefore the bigger the gradient the steeper the line is. A positive gradient is a straight line which slopes up to the right. A negative gradient is a ...
A differentiable variant of the Gillespie algorithm enables gradient-based optimization for stochastic chemical kinetics, facilitating efficient parameter estimation and the design of biochemical ...