But for the more frugal private jet enthusiast, the HondaJet is priced at a comparatively low $4.5 million — the Honda Civic of jets if you will. Produced by Justin Gmoser and Benjamin Zhang ...
The tight HondaJet interior has limited space for conventional ... Folding down the seatback converts this space into a cargo area with a lip to help keep it in place. Alternately, a galley ...
HondaJet Elite II starts at $7 million ... Its large 120-cubic-foot cargo compartment ensures ample space for mountain bikes, surfboards, skis, and snowboards. It can hold up to 14 check-in ...
A demonstration ride on the HondaJet Elite--a model to be utilized for the envisioned program--was offered on Sept. 21. The airplane left Kumamoto Airport just after noon bound for Oita Airport.