A video of the incident, shared on X by a user named Rosy (@rose_k01), has already garnered nearly 4 lakh views. In the clip, ...
In one Indian town, monkeys will steal your glasses — and give them back if you toss them a container of mango juice. It's ...
Here, his mother brought him up on stories of the Indian monkey god Hanuman and instilled in him a reverence for their land before the evil godman Baba Shakti (Deshpande) and Rana Singh (Kher ...
A 12-day-old boy has died after he was snatched from his mother and bitten by a monkey in northern India. The infant's mother was breastfeeding him at their home in the city of Agra when the ...
The top five viral videos of Tuesday are here. From a woman’s and her daughter’s encounter with a rhino at the Kaziranga ...
KARIMNAGAR: In an effort to control the monkey menace in Karimnagar, residents have photos of langur affixed on their house gates and walls to ward off the monkeys. Some have installed iron grills ...