An opening voiceover gives us all the setup we need about Mega-City: Its streets are filled with horrible violence, and the ...
18 x 25.5 in. (45.7 x 64.8 cm.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
Over the years I’ve dipped into the tales of Mega-City One once or twice, but on the whole I always considered Dredd, Anderson, and co to be a part of comics that just wasn’t really aimed at me. And ...
Dredd, the acclaimed dystopian comic book adaptation from Alex Garland, has a new streaming home. Read on for more.
This might seem obvious. Judge Dredd’s stories have always had a darkly satirical undercurrent to them, after all, and the Judges are unabashed fascists who have stomped out pro-democracy ...
While Judge Dredd is very much the face of 2000 AD, his partner, Anderson, is as much a key part of the story as he is. While some stories explore her in her rookie days, she's spent most of her ...
Known and feared throughout the city, Dredd is the ultimate Judge, challenged with ridding ... Dredd is assigned to train and evaluate Cassandra Anderson, a rookie with powerful psychic abilities ...
Joining Karl Urban in Dredd are Cassandra Anderson and Lena Headey Our relentless judge pairs up with the newbie, Cassandra Anderson, a recruit with potent psychic abilities, bringing a fresh and ...
If you want a strip that can be a good example of how to maximize page space this is for you. If you want a entre into the world of Judge Dredd “Anderson Psi Division” in general is a good place to ...