Perkara ini sampai ke Mahkamah Agung (MA) atas upaya Haris mengajukan Peninjauan Kembali (PK). Upayanya kembali kandas. Ia ...
Kampar, on 7th Street, just below South Street, caught fire Saturday morning. A post on social media says the restaurant's bar is destroyed. This establishment was recently nominated for a James ...
PEKANBARU, - Seorang wanita bernama Lisna Donna Riasta (43) ditemukan tewas setelah menjadi korban perampokan di Dusun Kampung Lintang, Desa Tambang, Kecamatan Tambang, Kabupaten Kampar, ...
Kampar has closed for the foreseeable future due to damage caused by a fire that broke out at the Malaysian restaurant and bar early Saturday morning, the owners said. Firefighters responded to ...
PEKANBARU, - Sebanyak 182 warga Rohingya ditemukan dalam satu rumah di Dusun 5 RT 03 RW 02 Desa Batu Belah, Kecamatan Kampar, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau, Minggu (23/2/2025), sekitar pukul 09.00 ...