Actor Kajal Aggarwal will essay the role of Goddess Parvathi in Vishnu Manchu's upcoming big-budget Telugu film, Kannappa. The first-look character poster of Kajal was unveiled on Monday.
(MENAFN- IANS) Chennai, Jan 18 (IANS) The makers of the pan-Indian film 'Kannappa', featuring Vishnu Manchu in the lead, are leaving no stone unturned to take their film based on the story of the ...
The makers of Kannappa have released the first look of Akshay Kumar from the movie. The pan-Indian movie, featuring Vishnu Manchu in the lead role, is directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh. Vishnu Manchu ...
Kajal Aggarwal’s first look as Goddess Parvathi in the upcoming Telugu mythological film Kannappa has been officially unveiled, generating immense excitement among fans. The film, directed by ...