THERE is always palpable relief in various quarters when narcotics use control teams strike . It has happened yet again with ...
Khat, a stimulant or recreational drug, is being used more in South Africa. While the plant itself is not new to SA, its use as a stimulant drug has increased. This is mostly due to the growing ...
Khat, a stimulant or recreational drug, is being used more in South Africa. While the plant itself is not new to SA, its use ...
THE Drug Control and Enforcement Authority (DCEA) has arrested the suspected leader of illegal khat trade in parts the ...
A jobless drug mule was caught at an airport trying to smuggle £18,000 worth of illegal substances in his suitcase. Somalian national Ahmed Hirsi, 46, garnered the attention of customs officers at ...
They found 61 kg of khat, an African plant which is a Class C drug in the UK with a street value of up to £18,390. Hirsi, who has lived in the UK for 21 years, was jailed for eight months ...