Strokes that can affect the corona radiata are called lacunar strokes or "small vessel strokes" because the corona radiata receives blood supply from small branches of the arteries in the brain.
Discover how smoking and alcohol consumption dramatically increase stroke risk by raising blood pressure, damaging vessels, promoting clots, and others ...
These strokes often occur in the brain's smaller blood vessels, known as lacunar strokes. Detecting silent strokes can be challenging as they do not present with obvious symptoms. However ...
Risk factors need to be defined for clearcut, isolated lacunar, atherothrombotic, and cardioembolic strokes. For instance, what is the incidence of pre-existing hypertension in patients who have ...
The analysis showed no link between flossing and thrombotic or lacunar strokes. "Dental flossing reduces oral infections and gum disease, which are linked to inflammation," Sen said. Because ...