If these distances are not practical - mobile screens or structural shielding may be required. Radiation protection can be achieved by having adequate distance between the operator and the patient or ...
How important is it to use protective eyewear and thyroid shield? Recent studies show increased sensitivity of the eye lens to radiation and thus protection of the eye using lead glass eye wear is ...
A recent study published in Nuclear Analysis takes a deep dive into how different types of concrete handle radiation ...
A moon lander mission is launching tomorrow and will take about 45 days to get the moon and then spend 14 days or more ...
In the next few decades, crewed missions to the moon and Mars will likely become frequent. One of the main challenges faced ...
Pelican Energy Partners has acquired Lancs Industries, a Albuquerque, New Mexico-based provider of radiation containment and ...
Pelican Energy Partners ("Pelican") is pleased to announce the acquisition of Lancs Industries ("Lancs" or the "Company"). Headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Lancs is a provider of radiation ...
Probes drilled into Phobos could heat and melt the ice, pump the water into elastic cells that surround a spacecraft, and shield a crew from radiation ... regions that lead to cancers and other ...