While it's not super common, some women do experience mild cramping and/or spotting when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus (aka during implantation).[1]#1 So if you notice some ...
Period-like cramps that come and go ... Having sex during this time may cause light bleeding or loosen your mucus plug. Trauma. If you’re in a car accident or have a bad fall, this may cause ...
And if you get cramps, the cramps hurt a little bit ... So if you're having light bleeding, use a smaller tampon versus if you're having heavy bleeding, use a heavier tampon.
A bad odor could indicate an infection like bacterial vaginosis. PMS symptoms (Pre-menstrual syndrome): Light spotting or cramping a day or two before periods may occur. Some may experience mood ...
Menstrual cramps usually show up a day or two before ... It may cause additional symptoms, such as pelvic pain, lower back pain, heavy bleeding, bloating, fatigue, and pain during or after ...
infrequent or light periods, an abnormally heavy flow, or between-period bleeding) who practised Yoga Nidra for five days a week reported greater relief from painful cramps, heavy bleeding ...