The Vatican unveiled a photo of Pope Francis observing Mass on Sunday, highlighting his gradual health improvement over the ...
The 88-year-old pontiff is in good spirits and is grateful for the prayers for his recovery, the Vatican said.
A few months later, she learned the mass was Stage 1 lung cancer. “I thought there would be a gazillion other illnesses that I might have to encounter in my future,” the now 43-year-old from ...
Doctors told Jacqueline Rysz she might have lung cancer after they found one mass in her left lung and another mass in her right lung. "By this time, my heart is beating so fast, I'm thinking ...
More information: Sarah Koch et al, Physical activity and body mass related to catch-up lung function growth in childhood: a ...
Learn how new research and clinical trials at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) have helped 32-year-old Giancarlo ...
Emerging evidence shows glucose-lowering medications may have the potential to improve chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ...
The Saturday 5 p.m. mass at Co-Cathedral of Sacred Heart in ... crisis while being treated for pneumonia and a complex lung infection. The 88-year-old pope, who remains conscious, received ...