Related: 17 Mashed Potatoes Recipes Sure To Be A Suppertime Smash A colander is a great tool for mashing potatoes. Simply place your cooked potatoes in the colander over a large bowl, and use a ...
A fluffier mash. The varieties you should be looking ... Make sure you stream dry your potatoes after boiling by leaving them in the colander, on top of the pan you’ve just boiled them in ...
Once cooked, drain the tender potatoes in a colander and place them back on the ... portion by portion. Alternatively, mash the dried potatoes with a potato masher until smooth.
Put a colander over a large bowl or another pan and ... Dip a measuring cup into the cooking liquid, add about 125ml/4fl oz and mash using your chosen method (see recipe tip).
After making sure the potatoes were fork-tender, I drained them in a colander and reserved the liquid in a mixing bowl. I then mashed the potatoes in the slow cooker using a perforated spatula.