Created By Larry Lieber, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby First Appearance Journey into Mystery Alias Thor Odinson, Eric Masterson, Kevin Masterson, Beta Ray Bill, Thordis, Throg, Red Norvell, Jane Foster ...
At the time, Masterson had operated as the God of Thunder, using Thor's power as his own, with this more down-to-earth threat making sense. Bloodaxe constantly came to blows with the police and ...
During a battle between two cosmic entities, Thor is split into multiple beings with various aspects of himself. There have been multiple versions of Thor found in various religions and ...
Marvel Comics is preparing fans for an era-defining moment, as the publisher teases the death of Thor– setting up the most monumental story arc in the character's long history with the tagline ...
Thor has just killed a foe that he never could have hoped to defeat before – but that’s not a good thing, and only shows that his next threat may be even too much for him. Facing down some of ...
The following contains major spoilers for Immortal Thor #9, on sale now from Marvel Comics. One of Thor's worst enemies is planning the end of the world. And, to make matter worse, the God of ...