The SU spokesperson informed that led by the Pro-Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Abdu Sattar Shah, PVC SU Campus Thatta Misbah Bibi Qureshi and Registrar Prof Dr Mushtaque Ali Jariko and others ...
On the occasion, the Pro-Vice Chancellor SU Thatta Campus Professor Dr. Misbah Bibi Qureshi, Registrar Professor Dr. Mushtaq Ali Jariko, Hostel Provost Dr. Naheed Arain, Director Campus Security ...
The SU spokesperson informed 'APP' that the meeting was attended by Pro Vice-Chancellor (Main Campus) Prof Dr Abdul Sattar Shah, Pro Vice Chancellor (Thatta Campus) Prof Dr Misbah Bibi Qureshi ...
Dr Misbah Bibi Qureshi. The SU spokesperson said in a statement that the test was conducted in a fair and transparent manner, ensuring that all candidates had an equal opportunity to demonstrate ...
The council approved the Vision 2030 of the incumbent Vice-Chancellor, which includes faculty and administrative staff ...
Pro-Vice Chancellor SU Thatta Campus Prof Dr Misbah Bibi Qureshi and several other senior faculty members, officials and students attended the opening ceremony. Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc ...
Dr. Imam ud din Khoso and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Thatta Campus Prof. Dr. Misbah Bibi Qureshi, among others. Following the formal proceedings, Dr. Khambhati and attendees offered a collective prayer.