Seaweed is a fantastic natural resource that benefits plants and our soil in many ways. If you want to boost soil health, ...
Slugs and snails are a nightmare for gardeners, but you can keep them at bay by using a natural product that they "hate" - ...
For a simple and natural way to stop slimy slugs and snails from demolishing your plants, surround them with one natural item ...
Right now, the seaweed SuperCrudes have just been used in foodstuffs. “It’s kind of a natural fit,” Aaron says. “Seaweed is something that's been eaten for thousands of years, so it's a ...
An Irish Seaweed Association has been set up to providing a voice for ocean farmers — and with more than 7,500km of coastline ...
Maui Nui Marine Resource Council photos A Hawaii-based startup company is working to tackle climate change with tiny but mighty seaweed. By feeding cows, sheep and other farm animals a natural ...
Figures from the EU show that the construction industry uses half of the natural resources we extract globally. If we want to ...
likens the process to humans having a vaccination – it stimulates our body’s natural defences to become more resilient. Similarly, the seaweed extract stimulates the crops to switch on genes ...
Seaweed farming also presents a lucrative opportunity for farmers, with potential earnings of up to Rs 13.28 lakh per hectare annually, a new report has said ...
Ireland's first seaweed association has been launched to take advantage of what the group said is the untapped potential of seaweed farming for the country.
The global market is expected to grow at a 6.0% CAGR from 2023 to 2033, outperforming the 4.6% CAGR during 2018-2022. Europe ...