The great crested newt lives only in Europe. Females, which are larger than males, can reach 7 inches in length, making these stout-bodied amphibians the continent’s largest newts. The great ...
For example, geckos have a special structure so that they can detach their tails in front of an enemy. 02:24 Yes, the detached tail wriggles to distract the enemy's attention, giving them time to ...
The amphibians are Pacific newts and they're a type of salamander that, herpetologically speaking, is awfully cute. Snout to tail, they're about six inches long, a rich reddish brown on top with a ...
The species in this group include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts. All can breathe and absorb ... Curare [kyoo-RAW-ree], for example, is found on the skin of colorful poison dart frogs.