This is called niche construction — the beaver doesn’t just occupy its ecological niche, it actively constructs it. Beavers may engineer a hollow portion within a dam to use as a lodge or build a ...
The central idea is that each species occupies a unique ecological niche, a distinct functional role within the ecosystem (Darwin 1859). Under this view species richness arises from the actions of ...
American marine biologist Edward “Ed” Ricketts brought yet another new perspective to ecology, focusing not only on naming organisms, but on studying each habitat holistically to understand how each ...
This is the metadata section. Skip to content viewer section. We characterize the realized ecological niches of 133 phytoplankton taxa in the open ocean based on observations from the MAREDAT ...
Do these species originate and accumulate morphological and ecological differences at a steady rate, or, given vacant niches, do they fill them rapidly? Paleontologists first indicated that a ...
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Leverage points are places in complex social-ecological systems where targeted interventions ... and paradigms and explore how these can be applied to advance a sustainable niche for farmed animal ...