A heat exchanger isn’t necessary in an electric furnace, which doesn’t burn anything. But every gas- and oil-burning furnace must have one. John Gabrielli, owner of Air Temp Solutions ...
The chamber of the furnace is built out of a water heater tank which has been lined with a special cement that refracts heat. The furnace ... good for burning waste oil to achieve high heats.
Electric heating elements resemble those in space heaters, but they’re much larger and often exposed because they release no emissions. Burners for gas and oil furnaces are enclosed in sealed ...
ClearSign Technologies Corporation CLIR announced receiving a purchase order for one of its new M series process burners, the ClearSign Core M1. This shows an early market engagement for CLIR’s M ...
By Lori Valigra, Bangor Daily News Staff Maine residences that have installed heat pumps are seeing up to 60 percent savings ...